Dynamic 3- Way Mode

Fractional CO2 Laser + CO2 Laser +  Skin Analyzer


FIRE-XEL is a combination of the Surgical CO₂ laser, Fractional CO₂ laser and a skin analysis system. This equipment delivers energy deeply into the skin to induce collagen formation and skin regeneration. The multi-mode of Scanning, UP, SP, and CW delivers highly effective and accurate treatment. The skin analysis system provides most appropriate treatment values for safe and effective treatment.


A.I Skin Analyzing System

A.I Skin analyzing system of BISON MEDICAL is a self setting sytem to select the most effective and safe mode for a patient with its self-analyzing data based on measuring results of the patient's skin and self-stored various basic clinical data, so this system gives a convenience to the practitioners and a satisfactory result to your patients.


3-Way Mode

FIRE-XEL combines 3 major functions surgical CO2 laser and skin analysis as well as fractional CO2 laser, for the most precise treatment. There was no such a multi functional laser device before FIRE-XEL in the world.


Premium Quality

Unlikely existing other device, FIRE-XEL mounts a globally recognized high quality Galvano motor for the fast, precise and safe treatment, within this motor, FIRE-XEL solves the frequent motor trouble that is the most troublesome problem of other scanner devices.


fire xel laser shapeVarious Selective Scanning Modes

Practitioners are able to select the most proper shape, size and density of laser among various selectivity modes according to your patient's symptoms and region. And it's very easy to find a proper scanning mode with it simple and convenient touch screen.


How Micro Fractional Resurfacing work?

Divided one laser beam into smaller laser beam and irradiate laser beam to skin surface partially, this procedure method gives heat to damage the skin and normal skin tissue recover the damage skin tissue without side effect. During the recovery process, it generates new skin tissue and collagen synthesis.

Multi Mode Fractional CO2 Laser

FIRE-XEL is a combining of the Surgical CO2 laser, Fractional CO2 laser and Skin Analysis System. This equipment delivers energy deeply into the skin to induce collagen information and skin regeneration.

Scanning Mode

Scanning Mode

Various Selective from over 3,000 modes

Practitioners are able to selected the most proper area, shape,density and direction of laser among more than 3,000 modes on a display panel easy and quickly.

Clinical Mode

Clinical Mode

From the skin analysis to the optional setting

Analyzing the patient's skin coditions and skin type according to the types of treatment, the optimal laser parameters are set automatically.

Surgical Mode

Surgical Mode

Utilized in a variety of treatment

Practitioners can utilize this Surgical mode complicated treatment and the effects of other modes can be maximized by using this mode together.



Reduce fine lines & wrinkles Reduce scars, especially acne scars
Improve skin tone, glow & texture Tighten loose eyelid skin
Tighten large pores Reduce stretch marks
Mole removal Skin tag removal
Wart removal  


Dimension (w x h x d) 320 x 1100 x 420 mm
Weight 38 Kg
Weight including accessories 45.3 Kg
Main Voltage 220~240 VAC, 50~60 Hz
Maximum Power, In Operation 400 VA
Safety Class Class IV laser
Fuses 2 x Little AC 250V 10 A
Laser System  
Laser type Fractional CO2 lasser, Scanner type
Wavelength 10.57~10.63 µm, invisble infrared
Beam mode quality TEM00, 95% purity
Beam quality (at 1/e2) M2 ≤ 1.2
Laser power output, continuos 30 Watts at arm's tail
Spot size 100 / 300* / 600* µm
Delivert system 7-point, fixed mirror articulated arm
Aimming beam 3.5mW, 650nm red diode laser
Cooling system Water
Environment Condition  
Temperature +10~+40ºC
Relative Humidity 30~75%
Almospheric pressure 700~1060 hPa
Optional Accessories Attachable hand piece and laser pen

product certification for fire xel


  Clinical System
  This system analyse skin moisture and skin type, it automatically set laser parameters based on the clinical data
   Scanner System
Area : X: 3~20mm, Y:3 ~20mm
Shape : Rectangle, Circle, Diamond, Hexagon, Round rectangle
Direction : Sequence, Converge, Diverge, Random, Spray
Density : 0.5 ~ 1.9 mm
Energy/ dot 1~120 mj
  Surgical System
Ultra Pulse  
Pulse Width : 200 ~ 1000 µs
Repeat time : Single, 10~1000 ms
Super Pulse  
Pulse width : 1~20 ms
Repeat Time  Single, 50~100 ms
Continuos Wave  
Power : 0.5~10 Watts (~30W*)
  Environment Condition
Temperature: +10~+40ºC
Relative Humidity : 30~75%
Almospheric pressure  700~1060 hPa